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VK provider setup for Users & Permissions

The present page explains how to setup the VK provider for the Users & Permissions feature.

VK configuration


VK accepts the localhost urls.
The use of ngrok is not needed.

  1. Visit the Apps list page at
  2. Click on Create app button
  3. Fill the information:
    • Title: Strapi auth
    • Platform: Choose Website option
    • Website address: http://localhost:1337
    • Base domain: localhost
  4. Click on the Settings link in the left menu
  5. Click on the Open API link to enable this option
  6. Fill the information:
    • Authorized redirect URL: http://localhost:1337/api/connect/vk/callback

Strapi configuration

  1. Visit the User & Permissions provider settings page at http://localhost:1337/admin/settings/users-permissions/providers
  2. Click on the VK provider
  3. Fill the information:
    • Enable: ON
    • Client ID: 7276416
    • Client Secret: cFBUSghLXGuxqnCyw1N3
    • The redirect URL to your front-end app: http://localhost:3000/connect/vk/redirect

Your configuration is done. Launch the backend and the react login example application, go to http://localhost:3000 and try to connect to the provider you configured.